sonofalderaan wrote in thisisarea42 Aug 15, 2008 17:38
drunk sex: always a good idea, wedge antilles, shenanakins, this can only end in tears, tycho celchu, this doesn't change things between us, count dooku, hobbie, clone commandos, rc-1138, rogues, drinking solves everything, so i herd u liek menznao, mara jade, anakin skywalker (redeemed), alderaaaan, emo!sex is hot, obi-wan kenobi, andrew wells, inyri forge, the bar, way to go anakin, damn near everybody
rockthisbig wrote in thisisarea42 Aug 01, 2008 01:06
so i herd u liek menznao, this doesn't change things between us, charlie the unicorn, spike, john hart, angel, young buffy
rockthisbig wrote in thisisarea42 Jul 01, 2008 12:39
this doesn't change things between us, spike, spike ii: this time it's not spike i, buffy summers, inappropriate, allison cameron
captainjhart wrote in thisisarea42 Jun 30, 2008 20:08
caroline todd, wes janson, john hart, not as think as you drunk i am, sarah jane smith, gwen cooper, spoilers, spike, this doesn't change things between us, hobbie, padme, shalla nelprin, i'm not drunk now irish up this coffee
yourtieisugly wrote in thisisarea42 May 29, 2008 16:01
remy hadley, this doesn't change things between us, spike ii: this time it's not spike i, gregory house, thirteen, allison cameron, public post